About Dee Potter Photography


Dee Potter

Urban Landscape Travel Photographer

I am a landscape and travel photographer based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and I am passionate about capturing unique and exotic locations for art, education and tourism.

As a dedicated Nikon Professional with accreditations from the Professional Photographers of Canada in Travel Illustration, Pictorial/Scenic, Architectural, Aviation and Aerial Photography, I enjoy a balance of commissioned and commercial assignments along with passion-project landscape and cultural photography aimed to serve hospitality and travel brands with an award-winning portfolio of picturesque international destinations immediately available for large-format prints and digital art. I also welcome every opportunity for commissions to capture the locations and visions of my clients. There’s nowhere in the world I won't go to create a one-of-a-kind photograph.

I enjoy supporting fellow photographers as the Chair of the Professional Photographers of Canada for Southern Ontario serving Greater Toronto, Central Ontario, Western Ontario, and the Hamilton/Niagara regions to assist in providing the tools and guidance for members to reach their next levels as professional photographers through specialized events, workshops, and business resources

I am constantly seeking new opportunities to showcase captivating travel destinations and hospitality brands and to host photography workshop tours in exotic locations, enhancing fellow travel photographers' portfolios. If you're interested in my work and would like to discuss a project or partnership for workshops, please contact me at deepotterphotography@gmail.com or visit contact page. I'm easy to reach, and even easier to work with.

At my core, I am an artist. While I may not be a fine art painter like Monet or my exceptionally talented mother, Diann Haist, I've always been deeply attuned to the beauty around me. This awareness compels me to capture and share the emotions these moments evoke. Photography provides me with the perfect medium to express and share the feelings I experience from the world I see.

Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, I naturally gravitate towards landscapes and urban photography, drawing from a lifetime of inspiration. In my earlier days as a working musician, I had the privilege of exploring many remarkable places around the world. Each destination captivated me with its unique landscapes and the stunning structures crafted by diverse cultures. While I brought back amazing stories and vivid memories, my schedule rarely allowed me to capture these moments through my camera. Of course, back then, I didn't have the convenience of carrying a camera in my pocket 24/7 like we do today. 

Although I'm still a musician, I no longer tour or travel as a performer. Fortunately, in recent years, photography has become my primary artistic passion and obsession. I've been capturing the wonders from my memories, discovering new locations, and experiencing the world in a whole new light through the magic of photography.


Though I've explored five continents, with and without my Nikon cameras, most of my travels have been within North America. From the vast deserts and Rocky Mountains to the glaciers of Alaska and the Great Lakes, this continent offers an unparalleled variety of mesmerizing landscapes. It also boasts numerous world-class cities, some of which I've had the pleasure of living in. No matter where I've been, I've always considered myself a true Canadian. I love Toronto for its diverse cultures, distinctive architecture, four distinct seasons, and the sense of living in a close-knit community, despite it being one of the largest cities in North America.

So, Toronto serves as the base for my photographic journey. My goal is to capture the sense of wonder and amazement I feel when exploring these places and the lives I encounter, always with a fresh perspective. Having also lived in California and Florida, I continue to reflect on my experiences in those areas, as well as the far reaches of the planet. Through my photography, I hope to inspire you to feel a bit of the magic I've experienced by witnessing these incredible places.

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